* Class that implements the feature of webcomponents and extends the functionalities of Suit.
* @class
* @type Lapel
var Lapel = {};
(function(window,document,body) {
"use strict";
console.log("Lapel> Init v1.0.0");
//Blocks the mutation handling while components are parsed.
var m_mutationLock = false;
//Reference to the first parse.
var m_schedulerId = -1;
//Flag that indicates Lapel has made the first setup.
var m_booted = false;
//Flag that indicates the Suit core framework exists in the page.
var m_hasSuit = window.Suit != null;
* Container for added components.
* @type {LapelComponent[]}
Lapel.components = [];
//Helper function to validate if a variable is null or the wrong type and return a default result.
function assert(v,d,t) { return t==null ? (v==null ? d : v) : ((typeof(v)==t) ? v : d); }
* Lapel Web Component.
* @typedef {Object} LapelComponent
* @property {String} tag - HTML tag that defines this component. Lapel will either replace or insert the 'src' contents based on this tag.
* @property {String} src - HTML content that will either replace or fill the Element.
* @property {?Boolean} inner - Flag that tells if 'src' will replace the tag or fill it. Defaults to true.
* @property {LapelComponentCallback} init - Method that handles this component initialization. Setup your logic on this callback.
* Lapel Component Init Callback.
* @typedef {Object} LapelComponentCallback
* @property {Element|Element[]} element - Created DOM Element. Allows to do extra operations using the new created component reference. If the 'src' of the component is made of several tags an Array is returned.
* Finds a LapelComponent template based on its tag name. If none is found, null is returned.
* @param {String} p_tag - HTML tag of the template.
* @returns {LapelComponent} - Reference to the lapel component template.
* @example
* //Define a simple component.
* Lapel.add({
* tag: "my-component",
* src: "<div class='my-component'></div>"
* });
* var c = Lapel.find("my-component");
* console.log(c); //{ tag: 'my-component', src: "<div class='my-component'></div>" }
Lapel.find =
function find(p_tag) {
var l = Lapel.components;
for (var i=0;i<l.length;i++) if (l[i].tag == p_tag) return l[i];
return null;
* Creates a new instance of a LapelComponent.
* @param {String|LapelComponent} p_tag - Name of the template's tag or reference to the component itself.
* @param {?Object} p_attribs - Table of attributes for the created Element.
* @param {?String} p_src - String that can fill the 'textContent' variable of the created Element. Defaults to empty.
* @returns {Element} - Reference to the created Element with features of the component.
* @example
* //Define a simple component.
* ```js
* Lapel.add({
* tag: "custom-button",
* src: "<button class='custom'></button>"
* });
* var bt = Lapel.create("custom-button",{name: "cbutton"},"Click Me!");
* console.log(bt); //<button class='custom' name="cbutton">Click Me!</button>
* ```
Lapel.create =
function create(p_tag,p_attribs,p_src) {
var c = (typeof(p_tag)=="string") ? Lapel.find(p_tag) : p_tag;
if (c == null) { console.error("Lapel> Component ["+p_tag+"] not found"); return null; }
var it = document.createElement(c.tag);
if (p_attribs != null) for(var s in p_attribs) it.setAttribute(s,p_attribs[s]);
if (p_src != null) it.textContent = p_src;
return it;
* Register a new component to the component pool.
* @param {LapelComponent} p_component - Reference to the Lapel component.
* @returns {LapelComponent} - Reference to the added component.
* @example <caption>Given the script</caption>
* var c = {
* tag: "custom-component",
* src: "<div class='custom'></div>",
* init: function(p_element) {
* p_element.textContent = "I'm Here.";
* },
* inner: false
* };
* Lapel.add(c);
* @example <caption>Add the custom tag in the HTML</caption>
* ```html
* <custom-component>Original Text</custom-component>
* <!-- After Init -->
* <div class='custom'>I'm Here.</div>
* <!-- If `inner` is true, then the result will be. -->
* <custom-component><div class='custom'>I'm Here.</div></component>
* ```
Lapel.add =
function add(p_component) {
var l = Lapel.components;
if (l.indexOf(p_component) >= 0) return p_component;
var fn = null;
var evt = m_hasSuit ? "component" : "load";
fn = function lapelOnInit(ev) {
if (m_schedulerId >= 0) window.clearInterval(m_schedulerId);
m_schedulerId = window.setTimeout(function() { m_lapelBoot(); }, 1);
if(p_component.inner==null) p_component.inner = true;
if(p_component.init==null) p_component.init = null;
return p_component;
//Startup Lapel after the first components.
var m_lapelBoot =
function boot() {
if (!m_booted) {
m_mutationLock = false;
if (window.MutationObserver != null) {
var mo = new MutationObserver(m_lapelOnMutation);
mo.observe(body, { subtree:true, childList:true } );
else {
console.warn("Lapel> MutationObserver not found!");
m_booted = true;
//Sweeps the DOM and insert components where they should appear.
var m_lapelParse =
function parse() {
var cl = Lapel.components;
for (var i=0;i<cl.length;i++) {
var c = cl[i];
var l = body.querySelectorAll(c.tag);
for (var j=0;j<l.length;j++) {
var v = l[j];
var attribs = v.attributes;
var text = v.textContent;
if (v.isParsed != null) if (v.isParsed) continue;
v.isParsed = true;
v.innerHTML = c.src.replace("$text", text);
//Finishes parsing the component element.
var m_lapelParseElement =
function parseElement(p_component,p_target) {
var v = p_target;
var c = p_component;
function() {
var p = v.parentElement;
for (var i=0; i<v.children.length;i++) {
var vc = v.children[i];
for (var j=0;j<v.classList.length;j++) {
if(!vc.classList.contains(v.classList[j])) vc.classList.add(v.classList[j]);
for (var j=0;j<v.attributes.length;j++) {
var a = v.attributes[j];
if (a.name == "class") continue;
vc.setAttribute(a.name, a.value);
var is_inner = c.inner == null ? true : c.inner;
if (is_inner) { if (c.init != null) c.init(v); return; }
var l = [];
var p = v.parentElement;
for (var i=0;i<v.children.length;i++) {
var vc = v.children[i];
if (v.nextSibling != null) { p.insertBefore(vc,v); } else { p.appendChild(vc); }
if(l.length==1) { if (c.init != null) c.init(l[0]); } else
if(l.length>1) { if (c.init != null) c.init(l); } else
if (c.init != null) c.init();
}, 1);
//Callback that handles DOM changes.
var m_lapelOnMutation =
function onMutation(p_records,p_observer) {
//Schedules an atomic callback.
var m_lapelSchedule =
function schedule() {
if (m_mutationLock) return;
m_mutationLock = true;
window.setTimeout(function() { m_mutationLock = false; }, 2);