* Class that implements the Suit's core framework features.
* @class
* @type Suit
var Suit = {};
(function(window,document,body) {
"use strict";
console.log("Suit> Init v1.1.0");
* Checks the validity of a value or if it matches the specified type then returns itself or a default value.
* @param {Object} p_value - Target
* @param {Object} p_default - Default value
* @param {?String} p_type - Type of the target to be matched.
* @return {Object} - If 'target' is null or not of 'type' (when used) returns the 'default' value.
* @example
* var s = null;
* Suit.assert(s,"default"); //returns 'default'
* s = "ok";
* Suit.assert(s,"default"); //returns 'ok'
* Suit.assert(s,"default","Number"); //returns 'default'
* Suit.assert(s,"default","String"); //returns 'ok'
Suit.assert =
function suitAssert(p_value,p_default,p_type) { return p_type==null ? (p_value==null ? p_default : p_value) : ((typeof(p_value)==p_type) ? p_value : p_default); };
* Checks if a given string is either null or empty.
* @param {String} p_string - String value.
* @return {Boolean} - Flag indicating if the string is null or empty.
* @example
* var s = "";
* Suit.isNullOrEmpty(s); //returns true
* s = null;
* Suit.isNullOrEmpty(s); //returns true
* s = "ok";
* Suit.isNullOrEmpty(s); //returns false
Suit.isNullOrEmpty =
function suitIsNullOrEmpty(p_string) { if(p_string=="") return true; if(p_string==null) return true; return false; };
var owl = null;
//Init SuitJS
owl = function onSuitWindowLoad(e) {
setTimeout(function delayedComponentEvent() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event("component")); Suit.controller.dispatch("welcome"); }, 1);
=================== Suit Model ===================
//Internal callback for 'data' method traversing.
var m_modelDataTraverseCb =
function m_modelDataTraverseCb(e,a) {
var it = e;
if (Suit.isNullOrEmpty(Suit.view.name(it))) return;
var hasChildren = true;
if (it.children.length <= 0) hasChildren = false;
if (it.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select") hasChildren = false;
if (!hasChildren) {
var path = Suit.view.path(it, a.target);
var tks = path.split(".");
var d = a.res;
var dv = a.value;
for (var i=0;i<tks.length;i++) {
if (i >= (tks.length - 1)) {
if(tks[i]=="") {
Suit.model.value(it,dv==null ? dv : a.value);
if(dv!=null) a.res = a.value;
else {
d[tks[i]] = Suit.model.value(it,dv==null ? dv : dv[tks[i]]);
else {
if (dv != null) dv = dv[tks[i]];
if (d[tks[i]] == null) d[tks[i]] = {};
d = d[tks[i]];
* Reference to the container of Model features.
* @class
Suit.model = {};
* Get/Set a View's data in object format.
* @param {String|Element} target - Path or reference to the target.
* @param {?Object} value - Value to set the target or null if the method must only return the value.
* @return {Object} - Returns the Object formatted data of the Element instance.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='content'>
* <p n='title>Title</p>
* <input type='text' n='name' value='John'>
* </div>
* ```
* //Get
* Suit.model.data("content"); //returns {title: "Title", name: "John"}
* Suit.model.data("content.title"); //returns "Title"
* Suit.model.data("content.name"); //returns "John"
* //Set
* Suit.model.data("content",{title: "New Title", name: "Carl"}); //returns {title: "New Title", name: "Carl"}
* ```html
* <!-- updated dom -->
* <div n='content'>
* <p n='title>New Title</p>
* <input type='text' n='name' value='Carl'>
* </div>
* ```
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
Suit.model.data =
function modelData(p_target,p_value) {
var t = Suit.view.get(p_target);
if(t==null) return null;
var a = {};
a.res = {};
a.value = p_value;
a.target = t;
return a.res;
* Get/Set the correct 'value' of a primitive Element (i.e. input, select, ...).
* @param {String} target - Path or reference to the target.
* @param {?Objet} value - Value to set the target or null if the method must only return the value.
* @return {String|Number|Object} - Returns the raw value of the Element.
* @example
* ```html
* <input type='text' value='Text' n='field'>
* <input type='checkbox' checked='false' n='toggle'>
* ```
* //Get
* Suit.model.value("field"); //returns "Text"
* Suit.model.value("toggle"); //returns "false"
* //Set
* Suit.model.value("field","New Text"); //returns "New Text"
* Suit.model.value("toggle",true); //returns "true"
* ```html
* <!-- updated dom -->
* <input type='text' value='New Text' n='field'>
* <input type='checkbox' checked='true' n='toggle'>
* ```
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
Suit.model.value =
function modelValue(p_target,p_value) {
var n = Suit.view.get(p_target);
if(n==null) return null;
var nn = n.nodeName.toLowerCase();
var v = p_value;
switch(nn) {
case "input": {
var itp = nn=="input" ? (n.type==null ? "" : n.type.toLowerCase()) : "";
switch(itp) {
case "checkbox": return v == null ? n.checked : (n.checked = v);
case "radio": return v == null ? n.checked : (n.checked = v);
case "number": return v == null ? n.valueAsNumber : (n.valueAsNumber = v);
case "range": return v == null ? n.valueAsNumber : (n.valueAsNumber = v);
default: return v == null ? n.value : (n.value = v);
case "select": {
if(n.multiple!=true) return v==null ? n.selectedIndex : (n.selectedIndex = v);
var ol = Suit.view.query("option",n);
var res = [];
for(var i=0;i<ol.length;i++) if(ol[i].selected==true) res.push(i);
if(v==null) return res;
var vl = Array.isArray(v) ? v : [];
for(var i=0;i<res.length;i++) { var o = ol[res[i]]; if(o!=null)o.selected = false }
for(var i=0;i<vl.length;i++) { var o = ol[vl[i]]; if(o!=null)o.selected = true }
return res;
case "textarea": return v==null ? n.value : (n.value=v);
return v==null ? n.textContent : (n.textContent=v);
=================== Suit View ===================
Class that implements the View functionalities.
//Utility function to avoid new 'function' instances while searching.
var m_viewGetTraverseCb =
function m_viewGetTraverseCb(e,a) {
if (a.name == Suit.view.name(e)) {
a.found = true;
a.it = e;
return false;
return true;
* Reference to the container of View features.
* @class
Suit.view = {};
* Variable that defines the naming style of the views. Defaults to 'n'.
* @type {String}
* @example
* Suit.nameAttrib = "vname";
* ```html
* <div vname='view-name'></div>
* ```
Suit.view.nameAttrib = "n";
* Get/Set the name attribute of a HTML View.
* @param {String|Element} p_target - View element to be renamed.
* @param {String} p_value - Name of the view element.
* @returns {String} - The view element's name.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='parent>
* <div n='child'></div>
* </div>
* ```
* Suit.view.name("parent.child"); //returns 'child'
* Suit.view.name("parent.child","new-child"); //returns 'new-child'
* ```html
* <!-- updated dom -->
* <div n='parent>
* <div n='new-child'></div>
* </div>
* ```
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
Suit.view.name =
function viewName(p_target,p_value) {
var na = this.nameAttrib;
var t = this.get(p_target);
if(t==null) return "";
if (p_value == null) return Suit.assert(t.getAttribute(na),"");
t.setAttribute(na,p_value = Suit.assert(p_value,""));
return p_value;
* Searches for the target by its path's string or returns itself if DOM element.
* @function
* @param {String|Element} p_target - Path to the element or the element itself.
* @param {?(String|Element)} p_root - Start point of the path search. Defaults to [body].
* @returns {Object} - The view element located at 'target' path or 'target' itself.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='container'>
* <div n='title'>Title</div>
* <form n='form'>
* <input type='text' n='field'>
* <button n='button'>Send</button>
* </form>
* </div>
* ```
* var form = Suit.view.get("container.form"); //Gets [form]
* var button = Suit.view.get("button",form); //Gets [button] starting at [form]
* button = Suit.view.get("button","container.form""); //Gets [button] starting at [form] (same as above).
* button.onclick = function() {
* var field = Suit.view.get("container.form.field"); //Gets [input]
* console.log(field.value);
* }
* @see {@link Suit.view.name }
Suit.view.get =
function viewGet(p_target,p_root) {
if(typeof(p_target)!="string") return p_target;
var l = p_target.split(".");
if (l.length <= 0) return null;
var a = {};
a.it = Suit.assert(p_root,body);
while (l.length > 0) {
a.name = l.shift();
a.found = false;
if(!a.found) return null;
return a.found ? a.it : null;
* Returns the 'separator' separated path of target relative to 'root' parameter. In case of mismatched arguments it returns an empty string. The default separator is '.'
* @param {String|Element} p_target - Target view to generate the path.
* @param {?(String|Element)} p_root - Start point to search for 'target'. Defaults to [body].
* @param {?String} p_separator - String separator for the resulting path.
* @returns {String} - The path for 'target' separated by the chosen 'separator'.
* @example
* ```html
* <div class='ctn' n='container'>
* <div n='title'>Title</div>
* <form n='form'>
* <input class='ff' type='text' n='field'>
* <button n='button'>Send</button>
* </form>
* </div>
* ```
* var input = document.querySelector(".ff"); //Gets [input]
* var container = document.querySelector(".ctn"); //Gets [container]
* console.log(Suit.view.path(input)); //Returns 'container.form.field'
* console.log(Suit.view.path(input,container,"/")); //Returns 'form/field'
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
* @see {@link Suit.view.name }
Suit.view.path =
function viewPath(p_target,p_root,p_separator) {
var t = Suit.view.get(p_target);
var r = Suit.view.get(p_root);
var sep = Suit.assert(p_separator,".");
if(t==null) return "";
if(r==null) r = body;
var n = "";
var res = "";
while (t != r) {
n = Suit.view.name(t);
if (n != "") res = n + (res=="" ? res : (sep + res));
t = t.parentElement;
return res;
* Returns a flag indicating if a given view contains another view.
* @function
* @param {String|Element} p_view
* @param {String|Element} p_child
* @returns {Boolean} - Flag indicating if 'view' is inside 'target'.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='parent'>
* <div n='child'>
* <div n='child2'></div>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div n='other'></div>
* ```
* var p = Suit.view.get("parent");
* var c = Suit.view.get("parent.child");
* Suit.view.contains("parent.child",c); //Returns true
* Suit.view.contains(p,"parent.child.child2"); //Returns true
* Suit.view.contains("parent.child","other"); //Returns false
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
Suit.view.contains =
function viewContains(p_view,p_child) {
var v = Suit.view.get(p_view);
if(v==null) return false;
var c = Suit.view.get(p_child);
if(c==null) return false;
return v.contains(c);
* Executes a querySelectorAll on the target and returns an Array with the results.
* @param {String} p_query - Selector query.
* @param {?(String|Element)} p_target - Target view to apply the query. Defaults to [body]
* @returns {Element[]} - List of zero or more results.
* @example
* ```html
* <div class='ctn' n='container'>
* <ul n='list0'>
* <li>A</li>
* <li>B</li>
* </ul>
* <ul n='list1'>
* <li>C</li>
* <li>D</li>
* </ul>
* </div>
* ```
* //Similar to document.querySelectorAll()
* Suit.view.query("li"); //Returns a [li] Array with (A,B,C,D).
* Suit.view.query("li","container.list1"); //Returns a [li] Array with (C,D) (starts at 'list1').
* Suit.view.query(".container"); //Returns an empty Array [] ('query' never returns null)
Suit.view.query =
function viewQuery(p_query,p_target) {
var t = Suit.view.get(p_target);
if (t == null) t = body;
var res = [];
var l = t.querySelectorAll(p_query);
for (var i=0;i<l.length;i++) res.push(l[i]);
return res;
* Returns the first parent element which is a Suit's View element (i.e. have a name attrib).
* @param {String|Element} p_target - Target to have its parent checked.
* @returns {Element} - The reference to the parent element of 'target'.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='a'>
* <div n='b'>
* <div class='empty'>
* <div n='c'></div>
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div n='other'></div>
* ```
* var a = Suit.view.get("a");
* var b = Suit.view.get("a.b");
* var e = Suit.view.query(".empty")[0]; //[div] without name
* Suit.view.parent("a.b") == a; //true
* Suit.view.parent(b) == a; //true
* Suit.view.parent("a.b.c") == b; //true (will skip the empty [div])
* Suit.view.parent(e) == b; //true (will go up until first view Element)
* @see {@link Suit.view.get }
* @see {@link Suit.view.query }
Suit.view.parent =
function viewParent(p_target) {
var t = Suit.view.get(p_target);
if(t==null) return null;
while (t != document.body) {
t = t.parentElement;
if(!Suit.isNullOrEmpty(Suit.view.name(t))) return t;
return null;
* Callback called when the view module is traversing its target.
* @callback ViewTraverseCallback
* @param {Element} p_target - Current element being visited.
* @param {?Object} p_args - Extra data passed in the original 'traverse' call.
* @returns {?Boolean} - Returning 'false' will stop the traversal for the current node.
* Navigates the DOM hierarchy of the target element and invokes the callback for each element.
* If the callback returns false the search stops.
* The default mode is DepthFirstSearch (DFS), if the last parameter is 'true' the mode will be BreadthFirstSearch (BFS)
* It is possible to pass arguments for the specified callback too.
* @param {String|Element} p_target - Path or Reference to the element.
* @param {ViewTraverseCallback} p_callback - Callback to handle each element visit.
* @param {?Boolean} p_bfs - Flag that indicates if Breadth First Search will be used.
* @param {?Object} p_args - Extra data passed in each callback call.
* @example
* ```html
* <div n='a'>
* <div n='b'>
* <div n='c'></div>
* </div>
* <div n='d'>
* <div n='e'>
* <div n='f'></div>
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div n='other'></div>
* ```
* //Will visit ([body],a,b,c,d,e,f) (Depth First Search)
* Suit.view.traverse(document.body,function(p_node,p_args) { ... },false, {some: "data"});
* //Will visit ([body],a,d,b,e,f) (Breadth First Search)
* Suit.view.traverse(document.body,function(p_node,p_args) { ... },true, {some: "data"});
Suit.view.traverse =
function viewTraverse(p_target, p_callback, p_bfs,p_args) {
var t = Suit.view.get(p_target);
var is_bfs = Suit.assert(p_bfs,false);
if(t==null) return;
if (is_bfs) {
var l = [t];
var k = 0;
while (k < l.length) {
if (p_callback(l[k],p_args)==false) return;
for (var i=0; i<l[k].children.length;i++) {
if (p_callback(t,p_args)==false) return;
for (var i=0; i<t.children.length;i++) Suit.view.traverse(t.children[i], p_callback,p_bfs,p_args);
=================== Suit Controller ===================
Class that implements Controller functionalities.
* Reference to the container of Controller features.
* @class
Suit.controller = {};
* List of registered controllers.
* @type {Controller[]}
Suit.controller.list = [];
* Callback called when a notification arrives on a Controller.
* @callback ControllerCallback
* @param {ControllerNotification} p_notification - Notification containing the call information.
* @returns {?(String|Array)} - A new notification String or a pair ["notification", {data}] (both will invoke Suit.controller.dispatch('notification',data))
* SuitJS Controller.
* @typedef {Object} Controller
* @property {?String[]} allow - List of events handled by this Controller. Defaults to ['click','change','input']
* @property {?Boolean} enabled - Flag that allows events to trigger the 'on' callback. Defaults to 'true'
* @property {Element} view - Reference to the 'view' Element whom this Controller is attached.
* @property {ControllerCallback} on - Method that handles the 'view' and global notifications.
* Controller Notification.
* @typedef {Object} ControllerNotification
* @property {?String} type - Type of the event that generated this notification. Can be 'empty' if called from 'Suit.controller.dispatch'.
* @property {?Event} src - Reference to the event which generated this notification. Can be 'null' if called from 'Suit.controller.dispatch'.
* @property {?String} view - String path to the view/Element where this event was generated.
* @property {?String} path - String containing the complete event path. It can be either 'path.to.event@type' or only 'path.to.event'.
* @property {?Object} data - Extra data that can be attached to this notification. More common on hand made dispatches.
* Attaches a controller to the pool.
* @param {Controller} p_target - Reference to the controller instance.
* @param {?(String|Element)} p_view - Path or Reference to the view element to be watched.
* @returns {Controller} - Reference to the added controller.
* @example
* var homeController = {
* allow: ["click","change","input"], //defaults to these events. Can be 'null'
* enabled: true, //defaults to true. Can be 'null'
* view: null, //starts 'null' but, after added to a view, holds its view reference (no need to declare splicitly)
* on:
* function(n) { //callback to handle events parsed as 'ControllerNotification'
* switch(n.path) {
* case "welcome":
* //Entry point for all controllers.
* break;
* case "path.to.view@click":
* //Captured 'click' event inside/including 'this.view'
* break;
* }
* }
* };
* Suit.controller.add(homeController); //Will attach a Controller to 'document.body'.
* Suit.controller.add(homeController,"path.to.view"); //Will remove it from 'document.body' and attach it to a view at 'path.to.view'
Suit.controller.add =
function controllerAdd(p_target,p_view) {
var t = p_target;
if(t==null) return null;
t.allow = Suit.assert(t.allow,["click", "change", "input"]);
t.enabled = Suit.assert(t.enabled,true);
var v = Suit.assert(Suit.view.get(p_view),document.body);
t.view = v;
if (t.handler == null) {
t.handler =
function controllerHandler(e) {
if (!t.enabled) return;
var cev = { };
cev.type = e.type;
cev.src = e;
cev.view = (e.target instanceof HTMLElement) ? Suit.view.path(e.target,v) : "";
cev.path = cev.view == "" ? e.type : (e.type=="" ? cev.view : (cev.view + "@" + e.type));
cev.data = null;
if(t.on!=null) {
var res = t.on(cev);
if(res==null) return;
if(typeof(res)=="string") { Suit.controller.dispatch(res); return; }
if(Array.isArray(res)) { Suit.controller.dispatch(Suit.assert(res[0],""),Suit.assert(res[1],null)); return; }
var bb = false;
var al = Suit.assert(t.allow,[]);
for(var i=0;i<al.length;i++) {
bb = false;
var s = al[i];
if (s == "focus") bb = true;
if (s == "blur") bb = true;
v.addEventListener(s, t.handler,bb);
return t;
* Removes the controller from the pool.
* @param {Object} p_target - Reference to the controller instance.
* @returns {Object} - Reference to the removed controller.
* @example
* var c = {...};
* Suit.controller.add(c); //Suit.controller.list.length == 1
* Suit.controller.remove(c); //Suit.controller.list.length == 0
Suit.controller.remove =
function controllerRemove(p_target) {
var t = p_target;
if(t==null) return null;
if (t.handler != null) {
if (t.view != null) {
var al = Suit.assert(t.allow,[]);
for(var i=0;i<al.length;i++) t.view.removeEventListener(al[i], t.handler);
t.view = null;
var idx = Suit.controller.list.indexOf(t);
if(idx<0)return t;
return t;
* Dispatches a notification for all enabled controllers in the pool.
* The format of the 'path' can be either 'path.to.event' or 'path.to.event@type'
* @param {String} p_path - String with a path that describes the event context.
* @param {?Object} p_data - Extra data to be passed to the event.
* @example
* var c = {
* on: function(n){
* switch(n.path) {
* case "some.event": console.log("some event"); break;
* case "some.event@hi": console.log("hi! "+n.data.msg); break;
* }
* }
* };
* Suit.controller.add(c);
* Suit.controller.dispatch("some.event"); //Will log 'some event'.
* Suit.controller.dispatch("some.event@hi",{msg: "John"}); //Will log 'hi! John'.
* c.enabled = false;
* Suit.controller.dispatch("some.event"); //No log.
Suit.controller.dispatch =
function controllerDispatch(p_path,p_data) {
var cev = {};
cev.path = p_path;
var aidx = p_path.indexOf("@");
var splt = aidx >= 0 ? p_path.split("@") : [];
cev.type = aidx >= 0 ? splt.pop() : "";
cev.view = aidx >= 0 ? splt.shift() : "";
cev.src = null;
cev.data = p_data;
var l = Suit.controller.list;
for (var i=0;i<l.length;i++) {
var res = l[i].on(cev);
if(res==null) return;
if(typeof(res)=="string") { Suit.controller.dispatch(res); return; }
if(Array.isArray(res)) { Suit.controller.dispatch(Suit.assert(res[0],""),Suit.assert(res[1],null)); return; }
* Removes all controllers from the pool.
Suit.controller.clear =
function controllerClear() {
var l = Suit.controller.list;
for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++) Suit.controller.remove(l[i]);
=================== Suit Request ===================
Class that implements requests utility functions.
* Reference to the container of XmlHttpRequest features.
* @class
Suit.request = {};
//Receives a ProgressEvent and returns the normalized progress ([0;1] range).
var m_requestGetProgress =
function requestGetProgress(p_event,p_scale) {
return (p_event.total <= 0? 0 : p_event.loaded / (p_event.total + 5));
//Invokes the Suit Request's callback or dispatches a controller event.
var m_requestCallbackInvoke =
function requestCallbackInvoke(p_callback,p_is_string,p_data,p_progress,p_event) {
if(p_callback==null) return;
if(p_is_string) {
var type = "";
var d = { event: p_event, progress: p_progress, data: p_data };
switch(p_event.type) {
case "progress": type = p_progress<0.0 ? "upload" : "progress"; break;
case "load": type = p_data==null ? "error" : "complete"; break;
case "error": type = "error"; break;
if(type=="upload") d.progress += 1.0;
* Callback called when a created request updates its progress.
* @callback RequestCallback
* @param {Object} p_data - Data being loaded or null (in case of error or progress).
* @param {Number} p_progress - Download or Upload progress ('upload' values have the range [-1.0,0.0) )
* @param {?Event} p_event - Reference to the XmlHttpRequest event that generated the call.
* Create and execute a XmlHttpRequest and invokes the callback with the needed feedback of the process.
* @param {String} p_method - Request method (GET, POST,...)
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback|String} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request or notification string that all controllers will receive.
* @param {String} p_response - Type of the response `text,arraybuffer,blob,document,json` - {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/responseType See More }.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //================ DOWNLOAD ================
* //Will create a POST request expecting a json that don't send any data and don't define custom headers.
* var xhr = Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com/",function(p_data,p_progress,p_event){
* if(p_progress>=1.0){ //100%
* console.log(data); // { some: json: { data: "yay" } } }
* }
* else {
* bar.style.width = (p_progress * 100.0)+"px"; //progress feedback on some element.
* }
* },"json",null,null);
* var c = {
* on: function (n) {
* switch (n.path) {
* case "some.load@progress": console.log(n.data.progress) break; //progress number
* case "some.load@load": console.log(n.data.data); break; //Uint8Array
* case "some.load@error": console.log(n.data.event); break; //error event
* }
* }
* };
* Suit.controller.add(c);
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com","some.load","arraybuffer"); //Starts the loading using notification string as callback.
* @example
* //================ UPLOAD ================
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com/",function(p_data,p_progress,p_event) {
* if(p_progress<0.0) { //Upload progress goes from -1.0 to 0.0
* var p = p_progress+1.0; //convert to [0;1] range
* bar.style.width = Math.floor(p*100.0)+"px";
* }
* if(p_progress>=0.0) { //Download progress goes from 0.0 to 1.0
* var p = p_progress; //use as it is
* bar.style.width = Math.floor(p*100.0)+"px";
* }
* if(p_progress>=1.0) { //Upload and Download finished.
* console.log(p_data);
* }
* }, { data: "content", index: 10 }); //Object data will pass thru Json.stringify().
* //Check the docs for the allowed data types that can be sent.
Suit.request.create =
function requestCreate(p_method,p_url,p_callback,p_response, p_data,p_headers) {
var method = Suit.assert(p_method,"get");
var response = Suit.assert(p_response,"text").toLowerCase();
var ld = new XMLHttpRequest();
var isCbStr = typeof(p_callback)=="string";
var cb = p_callback;
var isFirstUpload = true;
var isFirstProgress = true;
if(response=="arraybuffer") if(ld.overrideMimeType != null) { ld.overrideMimeType("application/octet-stream"); }
ld.responseType = response;
ld.onprogress =
function reqProgress(e) {
if(isFirstProgress) {
if(p_data!=null) { m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,null,0.0,e); }
var p = m_requestGetProgress(e)*0.999; m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,null,p,e);
ld.upload.onprogress =
function reqUploadProgress(e) {
if(p_data!=null) {
if(isFirstUpload) { isFirstUpload=false; m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,null,-1.0,e); }
var p = m_requestGetProgress(e)*0.999; m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,null,-(1.0-p),e);
ld.onload = function reqOnLoad(e) { m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,(response=="arraybuffer") ? new Uint8Array(ld.response) : ld.response,1.0,e); };
ld.onerror = function reqOnError(e) { m_requestCallbackInvoke(cb,isCbStr,null,1.0,e); };
if (p_headers != null) {
for (var s in p_headers) ld.setRequestHeader(s,p_headers[s]);
if(p_data != null) {
if (p_data instanceof ArrayBuffer) ld.send(p_data); else
if (p_data instanceof Blob) ld.send(p_data); else
if (p_data instanceof FormData) ld.send(p_data); else
if (p_data instanceof HTMLFormElement) ld.send(new FormData(p_data)); else
if (typeof(p_data) == "string") ld.send(p_data);
else {
try {
//Try to parse the data as json
var json = JSON.stringify(p_data, null, null);
catch (err) {
//If any error handle as a FormData somehow.
var fd = new FormData();
for (var s in p_data) fd.append(s,p_data[s]);
else {
return ld;
* Creates a GET request expecting 'text' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"text");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.get("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
* @see {@link Suit.request.create}
Suit.request.get = function requestGet(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("get",p_url,p_callback,"text",p_data,p_headers); };
* Creates a POST request expecting 'text' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"text");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.post("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
* @see {@link Suit.request.create}
Suit.request.post = function requestPost(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("post",p_url,p_callback,"text",p_data,p_headers); };
================ Shortcuts to handle requests with different responses. ================
* Reference to the shortcuts for creating requests that expects ArrayBuffer as result.
* @class
Suit.request.binary = {};
* Creates a GET request expecting 'arraybuffer' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"arraybuffer");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.binary.get("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
* @see {@link Suit.request.create}
Suit.request.binary.get = function requestBinaryGet(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("get",p_url,p_callback,"arraybuffer",p_data,p_headers); };
* Creates a POST request expecting 'arraybuffer' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"arraybuffer");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.binary.post("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.binary.post = function requestBinaryPost(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("post",p_url,p_callback,"arraybuffer",p_data,p_headers); };
* Reference to the shortcuts for creating requests that expects Blob as result.
* @class
Suit.request.blob = {};
* Creates a GET request expecting 'blob' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"blob");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.blob.get("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.blob.get = function requestBlobGet(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("get",p_url,p_callback,"blob",p_data,p_headers); };
* Creates a POST request expecting 'blob' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"blob");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.blob.post("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.blob.post = function requestBlobPost(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("post",p_url,p_callback,"blob",p_data,p_headers); };
* Reference to the shortcuts for creating requests that expects Document as result.
* @class
Suit.request.document = {};
* Creates a GET request expecting 'document' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"document");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.document.get("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.document.get = function requestDocumentGet(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("get",p_url,p_callback,"document",p_data,p_headers); };
* Creates a POST request expecting 'document' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"document");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.document.post("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.document.post = function requestDocumentPost(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("post",p_url,p_callback,"document",p_data,p_headers); };
* Reference to the shortcuts for creating requests that expects Json as result.
* @class
Suit.request.json = {};
* Creates a GET request expecting 'json' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("GET","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"json");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.json.get("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.json.get = function requestJsonGet(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("get",p_url,p_callback,"json",p_data,p_headers); };
* Creates a POST request expecting 'json' response.
* @param {String} p_url - URL
* @param {RequestCallback} p_callback - Reference to the callback function to handle this request.
* @param {?(ArrayBuffer|FormElement|String|Object|Blob)} p_data - Data to be sent.
* @param {?Object} p_headers - Object containing custom headers.
* @returns {XmlHttpRequest} - Reference to the created XmlHttpRequest object.
* @example
* //Using 'create'
* Suit.request.create("POST","http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...},"json");
* //Using the shortcut
* Suit.request.json.post("http://webservice.com",function(d,p,e){...});
Suit.request.json.post = function requestJsonPost(p_url,p_callback,p_data,p_headers) { return Suit.request.create("post",p_url,p_callback,"json",p_data,p_headers); };